Prepaid-Reise-SIM-Karte der Europäischen Union (inkl. Schweiz)
R 60500
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- Keine Roaminggebühren in Europa (Europäische Union).
- Günstige Ortstarife.
- Holen Sie sich eine britische Nummer mit kostenlosen Roaming-Anrufen und Datennutzung (mobiles Internet).
- Vollständige Kostenkontrolle. Keine versteckten Gebühren oder Entgelte (Prepaid-SIM).
- Keine Bonitätsprüfung. Keine Verträge.
- Perfekt für iPhone, iPad, Tablets, Smartphones aller Art, Laptops oder UMTS-Sticks und mobile WLAN-Router (jedes SIM-Lock-freie Gerät).
- Schnelle mobile Internetdaten – siehe verfügbare Optionen und Pakete.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can you get a SIM card for the whole of Europe?
Can you get a SIM card for the whole of Europe?
Yes! Our Europe SIM Card provides coverage across all European Union countries, making it the ideal solution for anyone traveling through multiple destinations in the EU with just one SIM. Stay connected in popular countries like France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and many others — all without worrying about roaming fees or switching SIM cards as you move between countries. Please note that while our Europe SIM Card covers the entire EU, it does not include non-EU countries such as the United Kingdom and Switzerland. If you're planning to visit these countries as well, you may need a separate SIM card to stay connected. 👉 Explore our Europe SIM Card options here to find the best plan for your trip across Europe!
Should I get a SIM card for Europe?
Should I get a SIM card for Europe?
Yes! If you're traveling to Europe, getting a Europe SIM Card is one of the best ways to stay connected throughout your trip. Instead of waiting to buy a SIM card in Europe, you can order your Europe travel SIM from us in advance and have everything ready before you even arrive—saving you time and avoiding the hassle of finding a SIM at the airport or in a foreign city. We offer a range of Europe SIM Card packages to suit your needs: Data-only SIM cards: Ideal if you just need high-speed internet for navigation, social media, emails, and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram. These do not include a phone number. SIM cards with data, calls, and texts: Perfect if you want to stay connected with local calls, send text messages, and receive a European phone number while traveling. No matter which option you choose, our Europe SIM Card provides coverage across all EU countries and helps you avoid expensive roaming fees.
How much data will I need in Europe?
How much data will I need in Europe?
Determining how much data you'll need for your trip to Europe depends on your travel style and the activities you'll be doing. Here's a general guide to help you choose the right Europe SIM Card: Light use (maps, emails, messaging): 6GB is often enough. Moderate use (social media, music streaming): 11GB is a good choice. Heavy use (video streaming, working remotely): consider 24GB or 35GB.
What is the alternative to a SIM card?
What is the alternative to a SIM card?
The best alternative to a physical SIM card is an eSIM. With our Europe eSIM, there's no need for a plastic SIM card — you simply download your mobile plan digitally, avoiding the hassle of shipping and installation. eSIMs are not only fast and convenient but also a more eco-friendly option, helping reduce waste from manufacturing and transporting traditional SIM cards. At, you can choose between our Europe SIM Card or Europe eSIM, depending on what works best for your trip! 👉 View our Europe eSIM and SIM Card options here.